Add a touch of architectural interest to your home with a slick pinstripe paint effect.
Learn how to create perfect pinstripes

Learn how to create perfect pinstripes

Create a pinstripe effect with this step-by-step guide.

If you'd like to make a sophisticated statement in your living room, why not try creating a subtle pinstripe paint effect in harmonious hues? The key to creating a sleek look is to choose shades that sit next to each other on the colour wheel, such as dove grey, charcoal grey and soft truffle. Follow our step-by-step guide to achieve pinstripe perfection.

1) Choose one hue to paint your feature wall – we’ve used a smoky shade of dove grey. Paint two coats and leave to dry.

2) Cut a piece of string that measures from the top of the wall to the bottom of the wall (or wherever the skirting board finishes). Attach Blu-tack to both ends of the string. Stick one piece of the Blu-tack to the top of the wall, and allow the string to hang down the wall, then attach it at the bottom of the wall. This will help you create an accurate vertical line.

3) Attach low-tack or ordinary masking tape against either side of the vertical line.

4) Remove the string and paint the thin strip revealed between the two lengths of masking tape (we used charcoal grey to create contrast between the wall and the pinstripes). Use only a small amount of paint on the paintbrush, applying more as needed – this way, you’ll stop the paint from ‘bleeding” under the masking tape.

5) When the paint is still a bit wet, peel off the masking tape. This clever trick will stop the masking tape from pulling off the top layer of paint.

6) To complete the look, repeat step 2 to create as many stripes as your want. We recommend you leave 7-inch (20cm) wide gaps between the stripes – this will help you to create a slick and uniform pinstripe effect.

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